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Micro Dispensing Heaters


Nozzle Heaters and Heating Controllers

for the MDS 3000 Series and the MDS 1000 Series


VERMES Microdispensing MDS systems can be equipped with heaters. A distinction is made between two types of heaters: the nozzle heater and the cartridge heater. The latter one is used in particular for hot melt applications. The dynamic viscosity of different media can be influenced by using a heater. Heating may also be required to ensure a constant process temperature, or when the dispensing has to take place above room temperature. A heating concept that is perfectly tailored to the dispensing process has a significant impact on dispense precision, drop reproducibility and performance.

Nozzle Heaters

Depending on model and requirements it can be distinguished between integrated and externally mounted nozzle heaters.

Integrated nozzle heaters are part of our MDFH fluid boxes.

In addition VERMES Microdispensing offers heating controllers that can be perfectly tailored to the specific needs of each application.

Heating Controllers

MFC 3000
Multi Functional Controller

The MFC 3000 Multi Functional Controller is the perfect solution for dynamical viscosity control for most demanding dispensing processes. By controlled heating and cooling the system is able to maintain a constant temperature during the entire dispensing process. This is particularly used in hot melt applications as well as for high precision dispensing with valve cooling requirements.

The MFC 3000 allows for controlling integrated heaters and compressed air valves that are connected with a VERMES Microdispensing System and work on an extra-low voltage basis (24 V or 48 V).

It simultaneously manages up to four integrated heaters and/or valve cooling systems for flexible configuration according to your needs:

  • Heaters only
  • Coolers only
  • Heaters & coolers.



MHC 48-2 Heater Controller

2-channel controller for perfect temperature control

The MHC 48-2 ensures highest precision dispensing by controlling and maintaining highly accurate temperature during the dispensing process.

This 2-channel heater controller has been designed to control all VERMES Microdispensing 48V heating devices, such as integrated nozzle heaters (that are part of the fluid boxes) and cartridge heaters working on an extra-low voltage basis.

The MHC 48-2 heater controller is an effective solution if only heating functionality is needed, for example when a nozzle heater is used to ensure a constant process temperature of the dispensing medium or when dispensing has to take place above room temperature. 

It is also a perfect solution for Hot Melt applications, where a cartridge and a nozzle heater are in operation.

The controller's intuitive user interface and the automatic start functionality ease handling and reduce set-up time. 



Talk to our experts about our tailored heating/cooling systems for your dispensing process. They will be glad to assist you in finding a heating solutions that perfectly meet your needs.

For further information please go to the download area and login. To request the username and password  send us an email or call us.

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VERMES Microdispensing GmbH
Rudolf-Diesel-Ring 2
83607 Holzkirchen
Phone: +49 (0)8024 644-0
info (at)


VERMES Microdispensing India Pvt. Ltd.
No. 1914, 40th Cross
Royal County Jambusavari Dinne Main Road
8th Phase J.P. Nagar
Bengaluru - 560078, India
Phone: +91 (0) 96630 49944
india (at)


VERMES Microdispensing Co., Ltd.
Office 601-C1, Rihua Int. Building, No.16
Xinfeng 3rd Road, Huoju Hi-Tech Zone
Huli district, Xiamen City
PR China
Phone: +86 (0)592-7257233
china (at)


VERMES Microdispensing Sdn Bhd
No.32, Jalan Vervea 3, Vervea
14110 Bandar Cassia, Pulau Pinang
Tél : +60 4 5883349
malaysia (at)

VERMES Microdispensing America Inc.
US Headquarters:
8510 Warner Road,
Suite 100, Plain City,
OH 43064, USA
Phone: +1 408 520-2555
america (at)


VERMES Microdispensing America Inc.
Branch office:
2226 Ringwood Ave
San Jose, CA 95131
Tél : +1 408 520-2555
america (at)

VERMES Microdispensing Ltd.
#401, Bucheon TechnoPark 403
655, Pyeongcheon-Ro, Bucheon-Si
Phone: +82 (0)32-246-1500
korea (at)