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프레스 문의
Mr. Marco Golla
Phone: +49 8024 644-335
E-Mail: pr (at)

The new piezo dispensing system MDS 3581 offers high application stability even under extreme stress
The new MDS 3581 micro dispensing system from VERMES Microdispensing is equipped with the patented Piezo Xtreme 2 actuator....

VERMES Microdispensing appoints new Managing Director, Mr. Stefan Hirte to spearhead the company
VERMES Microdispensing is pleased to announce the appointment of Stefan Hirte to the position of Managing Director. Stefan ...

VERMES Microdispensing creates new business unit - Solid Oxide Cell (SOC) Technology
VERMES Microdispensing, a world leader in the design and manufacture of innovative microdispensing solutions, today ...